FREE St. Patrick’s Day Necklace and Bracelet Printables

Are you ready for St. Patrick’s Day? It’s a fun day, but we don’t like the pinching when we forget to wear green. So, here’s a little something to help your little ones have a pinch-free day.

St. Patrick’s Day Necklace


This is the LUCKY ME necklace. Just add any ribbon or yarn and tie the ends. It’s as easy as that! You can download the FREE St. Patrick’s Day Necklace here.

St. Patrick’s Day Bracelets


This is the LUCKY ME bracelet. I attached it with washi tape so that  the staple won’t scratch against the skin. If you do not have a stapler or tape around, it’s not a problem. Just attach the strip of paper to the shirt with a paper clip. See the photo below.


You can download the FREE St. Patrick’s Day Bracelets here.

I added a Name line so that everyone keeps track of their own LUCKY ME wearable.