St. Patrick’s Day Freebie and a Blog Hunt

Welcome to day 8 of this St. Patrick’s Day Blog Hunt. I hope that you started out on March 1st with Mrs. Jump’s class. If you are new to this blog hunt, we will not let you miss out on any of the freebies. I will add the schedule of all the previous blogs on this hunt so that you can go back to download all of them. We will continue this blog hunt until March 17th.

If you are new to my blog, you are more than welcomed to browse and follow if you would like:)

Now, for day 8, I have a freebie for your literacy centers. Students name the picture and clap the syllables. Then, they can use a clothespin, paper clip or a math cube to select the number of syllables in the word. If you like this activity, head on over to our facebook page HERE and click “share” on this freebie.You may share this with anybody you want:) Remember that direct links to the google doc itself do not always work properly. I hope that you enjoy it ♥

I have another St. Patrick’s Day freebie from my previous post. Make sure to get that one too.
Would you like this activity in Spanish?
Head on over to Kinder Latino to get your free printable:)
Update: You have two freebies on day #9.
Tomorrow is day #9. Click on the clovers to take you to your next two freebies. It will be ready for you tomorrow, March 9th:)

Schedule of blog hunt:
Follow the rest of the blog hunt tomorrow with the link provided on clover #9.
Happy Blog Hunting:)

I’m a little leprechaun

Many classrooms will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Here is a fun song that you can use with your little ones. I have included free printables to go along with this song. I also found the song on YouTube and included it in this post for you to enjoy!