Santa Craft Tutorial
FREE Christmas Printables
Hi! I’m just popping in to share these Gingerbread Man printables. Students will be able to identify the characters of the story while practicing some fun word work activities.

Thematic Crowns
Kids LOVE to wear crowns! So, we use them as a learning tool to keep them engaged in Kindergarten. I’m excited about these new Thematic crowns. They can be used to wrap up a unit on Friday. When the kids wear it at dismissal time, parents will take notice. I see it as an end of the week review for kids and as a conversation starter at home.
So instead of this…
The conversation will be more like this…
The thematic crown serves as a good visual for conversations about school, at home. It’s a win, win for teacher, mother and kid ๐
Here are the thematic topics. They will be posted as soon as I get some proofers to look over them ๐
Find it here in English.
Find it here in Spanish.
I will give away 2 sets tonight (October 4th). Just leave a small comment on this post. I will send you the packet at about 7:30 p.m. to the email that you sign in with ๐
Good Luck!
—This giveaway is over. Thank you so much for participating. I couldn’t pick just 2 winners ๐
Congratulations to:
Sarah Limas
Christy Looker
Sandra Balderrama
Please check your email.
-Have a wonderful weekend ๐
Thematic Journals for October- Differentiated
Students in Kindergarten write at different levels. We try to engage them in activities that will help develop their writing skills, but sometimes it’s difficult to find something that will fit everyone’s abilities. We have always been told to differentiate our activities to meet every student’s needs. But, how can we do this in a room full of 2o+ kids?
I came up with Differentiated Thematic Journal Prompts that include a picture/word bank and sentence starters. How can these journals help? The focus on themes will make their writing meaningful and engaging. The thematic picture/word bank will develop their vocabulary skills. And, the sentence starters will help struggling writers feel successful.
There are 5 journal prompts for each theme which will cover a week’s worth of writing. Each journal prompt has been provided in three versions. As the students develop their writing skills, the teacher will provide the corresponding writing page.
This is how the writing pages are differentiated.
Level 1:
These journal pages includes a sentence starter. They may also have extra wording on the picture labels. This will help students write a complete sentence by using the wording on the picture cues. Extra wording may include something like “a” or “the.” ย This format will help struggling writers have a successful writing experience without the stress.
Level 2:This journal page does not include the sentence starters nor extra wording on labels. Students are expected to use their knowledge of phonics skills.
Level 3:This journal page is for advanced writers. It does not provide place a for an illustration. This is so that students may have more writing space where they may include details in their sentences. Illustrations may be added to the back of the paper.
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Beginning Sounds Crowns
Beginning Sounds Crowns are a fun way to keep early learners engaged.ย They may be used to introduce, practice or review letter names and sounds. They are great for whole group, small group, or in a center. This activity brings the child’s attention to the beginning sounds in words.
The focus letter is positioned at the top of the crown.
Students may add a pattern to the round gems that are lined up across the crown pattern.
There are 4 graphics on the crown to represent the beginning letter sound. This is where students can name each picture, then write the first letter in each word. You can have students name the picture in one of two ways:
option #1: bird, bird, /b/, /b/, /b/
option #2: /b/, /b/, /b/, bird
This activity is geared towards Pre-K to 1st grade students. But, as you can see… I have been using them with my own 3 year old. They are so easy and fun to do. Even my little Isabella was engaged in learning.
Not only does she have wonderful fine motor skills, but was able to create an ABC pattern on the round gems all by herself ๐
Here is her finished crown on a sentence strip. So cute ๐
Available in English here.
Available in Spanish here.
Facebook Winners:
Thank you so much for entering this giveaway! I used the woobox app to select the winners. I selected 4 winners instead of 3 to give you an extra chance to win. If you are a winner, please leave a comment in the box below. It will ask you for your name and email. Your email will not appear in the comment section unless you enter it in there. I will send you this packet as soon as I see your email in my dashboard ๐
First Day of School Lesson Plans, Ideas and Freebies
Many students are going back to school this week. As teachers, we try to go over our lists and lesson plans to make sure that everything is ready for the first day of school. Although some of us know that we will have to start soon and we always want to be prepared.
Here is a blog post, about the first day (and week) of school, that I published on my old blog back in 2011. It contains my notes for ideas that can be used on the first day of school, but they can also be spread out throughout the week. I hope that it is useful to you.
To do list:
- Hallway Bulletin Board
- Class list (3 copies- one to post at your door -one for attendance -one on clipboard that you will carry all day)
- Create a door sign
(Welcome to Mrs. Barbosa’s Classroom) or (Mrs. Barbosa’s Shining Stars) - Parent information form. Parents will fill out important information when they drop child off on the first day.
- Supply list
- Decide on storage for supplies for the first day of school
- Name tags, desk plates and backpack tags with student names
- Put up the classroom decorations and any posters you have to make the classroom look more inviting.
- Classroom labels (dual language classrooms will print English words in black or blue and Spanish words in red.
- Book basket labels for the library center.
- Center signs
- Daily schedule
- Tubs for middle of tables for community supplies (crayons, markers, pencils, erasers)
- Word Wall letters are up on the wall
- Restroom Signs
- Labeled mailboxes for Student work
- Calendar for morning songs and routines
- Teacher table for Guided Reading
- Bulletin Board to display student work
- Center materials nicely organized in each center
- Seating chart for tables and carpet area
Just a few things that you might want to incorporate into your lesson plan.
First Day Lesson Plans
Student Arrival
The first day is very quiet in the classroom because students are a little nervous. Have some soft music playing in the background as they walk in. This will help calm their nerves. Greet students and parents at the door. Show student where to place backpack. Ask students to come in and get started on a table activity. I like to place colored trays out with play-doh for each student. I take half sheets of construction paper and write their names in large print. Each student will trace his name with play-doh. This will keep students stay engaged while you give parents an information sheet to fill out.
Introductions- Time to call students to the meeting area. First welcome the students and introduce yourself. You can have a getting to know you activity. It can be something as simple as tossing a bean bag to one student at a time. When a child catches the bean bag, he will say his name. Students receive their name tags as soon as they state their name. You can write their lunch card number behind their name tags.
Summer stories-
Engage students in conversations about their summer adventures.
Our School
Students will get to know that there are different areas within our school.
- This will be your classroom and I am your teacher, Mrs. Barbosa. I will take care of you at school and teach you how to read, write, count and much more.
- We have restrooms. This is where they are located. If you need to go to the restroom, just look at this door where the restroom passes are hanging. If you see that the restroom pass is available, just get up and take the pass with you. Make sure you return it to it’s home when you come back, so that other students may use it.
- We have a cafeteria. This is where we will go to eat. We will take a tour of the school a little later.
- We have a nurse. If you ever feel sick, the nurse can take care of you.
- Our school has a library. We will go there for Story Time and to check out books.
- We have a Computer Lab. We will go there once a week to learn how to use the computer and work on some activities.
- You will have recess time every day. This is when you will take a break from studying and play with your friends in the playground.
- The office is located at the entrance of the school. This is where the Principal and Assistant Principal have their offices to work in. They will come visit our classroom throughout the year to see what we are learning.
Story Time
I love to read The Kissing Hand on the first day of school. This will be a story that all students will be able to relate to. After the story tell students to kiss their hand and place it gently on their cheek. I tell them to do this any time they feel sad or miss home when they are at school. This will represent their mom’s presence, love and warmth while they are at school. It’s cute to see students kissing their little hand and then placing it on their cheek throughout the day. It’s like their security blanket. Hold a discussion after you read the story. Ask; What happened first? next? last? Now talk about how the racoon felt on his first day of school. Now, tie it in to how your students feel today on their first day of school.
Follow-up activity
This can be an illustration of how the student feels on their first day of school. (This will become your first Class Book.) I always demonstrate how to complete an activity before I send them to their tables… Before they go to the table, I give them three choices with visuals. How do you feel today? Happy, nervous or sad? Students will go to tables and get started.
Restroom Break and Procedures
While students are working on the Kissing Hand activity, I start calling one table at a time for a restroom break. Before each student walks in, I explain that they have to go inside toilet bowl so that seats don’t get wet (you have to repeat this over and over to the boys throughout the year). Also, all paper needs to be flushed away! No paper is allowed to be thrown on the floor. I also show them where they need to stand to wait their turn in line when the restroom is busy. I also show them how to wash their hands. You need to demonstrate step by step. A drop of soap, place hands under running stream of water, scrub hands, rinse hands and turn faucet off – they could even use hand sanitizer to keep their hands free of germs. Take one paper towel and toss it in the waste basket when you are done. Walk quietly to your work station or carpet. They also need to know where and how to wait their turn.
Calendar time songs and procedures
- Sing the songs and use the Macarena gestures for Months of the year
- Sing Days of the week
- Yesterday was, Today is, Tomorrow will be
- Count the number of days in school
- Last month was, This month is, Next month will be
- Today’s date is
- Alphabet chant
- Star of the day -Choose one student per day to be the star.
Introduce Quiet Signal (Give me 5 poster)
- Eyes on speaker
- Listening ears
- Hands to self
- Legs crossed (Sit like a pretzel)
- Quiet voices (to respect the speaker)
Procedures to line up- Students practice how and where to line up when we are going to exit the classroom. We practice (in the classroom) how to walk in line. Face forward, hands to yourself, feet to yourself, nice and quiet. Now we practice in the hallway while taking a tour of the school. I take them to the cafeteria first because we go to lunch very early. Students practice walking into the cafeteria and to our designated table. They also practice procedures for putting lunch trays away and getting up from table to line up quietly. We continue our tour around the school. I make sure to take them to the playground to show them where our meeting area will be at the end of recess.
D.E.A.R. time procedures
(or Daily 5 reading time) -let students know that this is a good time to go to the restroom if needed.
- Quiet spot (in Kinder, the teacher selects a quiet spot for each student until students demonstrate an established routine and responsibility)
- Choose book from your book basket (or browsing box)
- Read quietly without interrupting your neighbors
- Teacher walks around the room praising students who are following procedures.
Introduce math tubs
Teacher will model how to:
- select a math tub
- take manipulatives out quietly
- return tub to its’ home when they are done
Graphing Activity
How do you go home?
Dismissal procedures
Use a list and name tags to make dismissal time a breeze.
Songs for the Week
- Wheels on the Bus
- Good Morning song
- Everybody Clean Up
- Calendar songs
- Alphabet song
Assessment Checklist and notes
- follows directions
- attentive listener
- participates during songs
- participates in discussions
- speaks up when needed (needs to go to the restroom, needs a pencil…)
- gets along with others
- need to separate from this student __________
- writes first name
- good fine motor skills
- good gross motor skills
- concerns: ________________________
- I love doing a sounds assessment on the first week of school after reading the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I incorporate an art activity. Students make a coconut tree and each student adds colorful stickers with the sounds they already know as I conduct the assessment. Some students will know a lot of sounds and others will not, but you can keep adding stickers throughout the year as the student learns new sounds. Post these in your classroom. It’s a quick way of monitoring a student’s progress.
The next few weeks of school, students will continue to practice rules and procedures until they demonstrate an established routine.
Your students will also be helping you write criteria charts.
Criteria Chart ideas
- I’m Ready for School (students will generate a list of classroom rules)
- I’m Ready for the Hall (hallway rules)
- Good Listeners (students always come up with the Give Me 5 rules)
- I’m Ready to work ( table work procedures)
- Good Readers
- Good Writers
- Arrival Procedures
Back to School Freebie and a New Home
Hello Kinder Alphabet followers. I have two things to share with you today. I’ll keep this post short and sweet so that you can start enjoying your weekend ๐
Back to School Freebie
I hope that you have seen our new Back to School Freebie. If not, please come read all about it at our new home so that you can get it ready for your students as soon as possible.
We have a new home
You can now find us at KinderAlphabet.com
This is a wordpress site that I bought back in October of 2012. Wordpress is a little difficult to work with, but I like the new look. All of our posts and links have already been transferred. I will be able to organize information a lot better for you under the tabs. Please come visit us and make sure to follow us ๐
See you there!
Christmas in July Giveaway Winner Announcement
Winner Announcement
We have a winner ๐
Thank you all for participating. This giveaway was so much fun. Tracie Davis is the winner of the Paper Pro Easy Punch. I will contact you soon for delivery details.
Where can I find the Paper Pro Easy Punch?
I found mine at Office Depot. It’s very light. You will have no trouble carrying it in your purse for those take-home projects.
Who won the bundles?
Head on over to Freebielicious to see who won the bundles. I hope it was you. Good luck!
Christmas in July: School Supplies GIVEAWAY
Hello friends!
Our team of Freebielicious Authors enjoy giving you freebies for the classroom throughout the year. We LOVE it when you visit and comment on our blogs, facebook pages and in our stores. Soooo, we want to do something SPECIAL for you now that the new school year is approaching. In honor of the back to school season, Freebielicious is hosting a MEGA Christmas in July Giveaway.
Enter to WIN a Paper Pro Easy Punch
Freebielicious MEGA Giveaway from our authors
Special Grand Prize from our sponsors
Keep Hopping
Merry Christmas in July from Santa’s elves
at Freebielicious!
Classroom Decor Linky Party
This week’s topic is about wall decor in our classrooms.
As the new school year approaches, we begin to make a list of the things that we need to set up our classrooms. The majority of these things are tied to wall decor, things such as a world map poster that will let the students have a reference for the world around them, and other wall-mounted items that brightens the space. We want to provide a warm and inviting environment where students feel welcomed and know that there is truly a place for them in our classrooms.
Bulletin Board
The first thing that I want students and parents to see is a bulletin board with student names. This will assure them that they are in the right place. The bulletin board can be in the hallway, next to our classroom door. It can be decorated brightly with some neon lighting (like what you get from Neon Mama) to make it look welcoming. If you do not have a bulletin board nearby, you can also decorate your door. Many teachers like to choose a theme for the classroom and will decorate the bulletin accordingly. Here’s a sample:
Backpack Labels:
Now that students know that they are in the right room, they will look for a place to set those heavy backpacks down. I like to have the backpack rack labeled on the first day of school. This way, they will become familiar with the morning routine and begin to have a sense of ownership to the classroom.
Classroom Labels
Alphabet Posters
Word Wall
Math Wall
Reading Corner
Here are some freebies in English and Spanish. Enjoy!