Linking K-2 blogs

I am linking up with Kindergarten Lifestyle for Kindergarten to Second grade blogs.
Come on over if you are searching for new blogs.

St. Patrick’s Day Freebie and a Blog Hunt

Welcome to day 8 of this St. Patrick’s Day Blog Hunt. I hope that you started out on March 1st with Mrs. Jump’s class. If you are new to this blog hunt, we will not let you miss out on any of the freebies. I will add the schedule of all the previous blogs on this hunt so that you can go back to download all of them. We will continue this blog hunt until March 17th.

If you are new to my blog, you are more than welcomed to browse and follow if you would like:)

Now, for day 8, I have a freebie for your literacy centers. Students name the picture and clap the syllables. Then, they can use a clothespin, paper clip or a math cube to select the number of syllables in the word. If you like this activity, head on over to our facebook page HERE and click “share” on this freebie.You may share this with anybody you want:) Remember that direct links to the google doc itself do not always work properly. I hope that you enjoy it ♥

I have another St. Patrick’s Day freebie from my previous post. Make sure to get that one too.
Would you like this activity in Spanish?
Head on over to Kinder Latino to get your free printable:)
Update: You have two freebies on day #9.
Tomorrow is day #9. Click on the clovers to take you to your next two freebies. It will be ready for you tomorrow, March 9th:)

Schedule of blog hunt:
Follow the rest of the blog hunt tomorrow with the link provided on clover #9.
Happy Blog Hunting:)

I’m a little leprechaun

Many classrooms will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Here is a fun song that you can use with your little ones. I have included free printables to go along with this song. I also found the song on YouTube and included it in this post for you to enjoy! 

Dr. Who?

Read Across America is here. I used a Dr. Seuss theme to make you this word sort activity. This can be used in a pocket chart center.  The teacher will place the -an and -at title cards on the top pocket. Students will mix the cards and sort them under the correct word family category. I have included a Recording Sheet so that students can show their work.


Picture Prompts For Young Learners

Picture prompts work wonders when trying to get a little one to talk. It gets them focused and allows them to place their thoughts in order.  This is especially true when the picture cues are relevant and the kids can make connections to their own lives.

I have come up with picture prompts that you can use with young learners.  The little ones will be able to engage in discussions about the topic. Advanced writers will be able to write their responses. I hope that you enjoy this activity.  Just click on the first picture to download the free printables.

I am linking up with The Diary of a Not so Wimpy Teacher blog and Classroom Magic.  Go visit them for more picture prompts. They also have a pinterest board with all of these in one easy location.

Short a sound: freebie

Hi there! I am just stopping by to give you a short a sound freebie. This is a clothespin game for your center.
These are the instructions:
1- Look at the picture.
2- Say the word.
3- Choose the correct vowel that completes the word.
4- Place a clothespin on the correct vowel.

*Option: Instead of using clothespins, you can circle the vowel with a wikki stix or dry erase marker.


♥Valentine’s Day Printables

On a previous post, I shared ideas for books to use for your read alouds. I also had two shared reading chart ideas and printables. Today, I have the rest of the Valentine’s Day printables ready for you. These are just a few more that you can incorporate into your thematic unit.

Calendar Time
We practice pattern skills on the calendar. You can use this one for a simple AB pattern. I usually add the number cards one day at a time. When we have enough cards, the students identify the pattern and each day tell me what is next on the pattern. This calendar uses strawberry and chocolate cupcakes. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Yummy.
Word Bank:
I use a thematic word bank that the students can refer to during centers and writing activities. My word bank includes pictures and words. By the way, we write in our journals every day and this word bank comes in very handy. If you would like my Picture/word cards for this thematic unit, you can find it in my Valentine’s Day Literacy Centers unit. I use the word bank to create center games for beginning sounds, syllables, play dough mats, writing and picture to word concentration games. I think that this is a good way to increase vocabulary and practice on reading skills. Anyway, if you are looking for a word bank list, you can add these words.
Reading Center: Your reading center can include a thematic story, class book or an emergent reader. I like to make my students accountable for their reading. This free printable can be added to your center. Students can read a book and show comprehension skills with this simple activity. You can choose a specific book that you have read previously. Then, draw or copy pictures of what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Now, you can place the picture cards in the reading center along with this activity. Students read the book, order the picture cards in the correct place and retell the story accordingly. You can make a printable for each student or make it into a center activity.  Simlply print on card stock and laminate before you place it in the center. You can add magnets to the activity sheet and picture cards and use on a magnetic board or filing cabinet. —Advanced students can definitely write/illustrate their responses on their own printable. Click on the picture to get it.
Writing Center: During whole group instruction you can talk about conversation hearts.– Bring a box of the candy and help students read the messages. Then, students can help you come up with a list of new messages that they would like to see. Write them on a chart tablet. This could be a shared writing activity. Now that the students are familiar with conversation hearts, you can add this activity to your writing center. Students can use the messages that were written on the chart tablet or come up with more new ones. Click on the picture to get this one. 
Math Center: Use this activity to practice on making patterns.
Oh, I almost forgot about the poems. You have to click here to see what I have for you:)
I hope that all of these free printables help you. 
If you happen to need center activities, take a look at my 
Valentine’s Day Literacy Centers unit.
Make sure to follow this blog for more ideas and resources:)

Oh, I have also decided to add a newsletter subscription. Make sure to enter your email address here!!  Don’t miss out!

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Fine motor practice

Reading, writing and math are very important skills to develop. But, did you know that fine motor skills are usually overlooked? There are many ways to develop fine motor skills.  Once in school, a child’s little fingers and hands must be strong enough to perform certain tasks. So, let your child play and experiment with picking up objects with tweezers, lining up little cars and paper clips, putting puzzles together, threading beads on string, squeezing a spray bottle, etc. You can also let your child use scissors, glue, paint and tear little pieces of paper. These are just a few examples of materials and activities that you can do with your child at home to prepare him/her for school.

For many more ideas, please visit Teach Preschool. 

Love and ♥Hearts♥

February is finally here and love is in the air. I love holidays and thematic units. I like to choose a few thematic books for the week and incorporate the theme into my centers throughout the week. Today, I will give you a couple ideas of which books you can use for your thematic unit. I have also included shared reading samples.

Read Alouds can include these books:

Shared Reading: I usually just choose a poem or make my own predictable sentences to write on a chart tablet or use on a pocket chart. 

Click on each picture above to download your free pocket chart sentences. 
I have free Frebruary calendar pieces to give you on my next post. Make sure to come back and check it out. In the meantime, if you would like my Valentine’s Day Literacy Centers unit, click on the following picture.

Time to play

Once in a while, teacher bloggers like to have a little fun by passing awards to each other, doing linky parties and games like this one.  I have a lot of catching up to do with my awards, but here is this one- for now.
I was tagged by Denise at: 
Sunny Days in Second
Ok, if you want to hear some facts about me, keep reading. First here are the “rules”:

1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you’ve tagged them!
12 Facts About Me 

1. I come from a large family.
2. My mom named me Lilia, but the nurse in charge made a spelling mistake and wrote Lidia on the records. My parents actually liked the name and just kept it. I do have a middle name which is the same as my mom’s name, so it all worked out. I do love my name, so it’s not a problem at all. 
3. I played softball in 6th grade. I was always scared that the ball might hit me. My team had a lot of fun and- somehow- we won a first place trophy:) 
4. My favorite color is pink.
5. My hair was very long until about 11th grade.  
6. One of my favorite foods is steak and potatoes.  
7. I was in the high school band and played the french horn .
8. I was exempt from math and never had to take it in college.
9. When I was in college, my sister asked me to TRIM THE ENDS of her hair. I told her “NO, I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CUT HAIR.” She insisted and here’s the story. ….She had beautiful, waist-long and curly hair. I told her to just put on a shirt with stripes. Lol. I followed one of the lines… and her haircut was not exactly what we expected. It was not exactly “straight.” It was obviously // slanted //. I kept trimming a little more at a time. Three of my friends showed up. TWO of them helped me “fix” her hair. Oh, no….. my poor sister’s hair was shoulder length at the end of it all. She cried that night and her curls never grew back again!!!!  Ooops, sorry sis!   10. Let me keep it short and just say that I loved, loved, loved my wedding:)
11. I have developed some allergies that are not fun at all!
12. I love to see the spark in a student’s eyes when he/she learns something new.

Here are 12 questions to answer:
1. What subject do you like to teach the most? Reading.
2. What is your favorite drink? Sprite.

3. What is one piece of advice you have for a new teacher? Make learning fun and the rest will fall into place. Oh, and read “The First Days of School” by Harry Wong.  

4. What is your favorite teaching website/or blog? I have too many to name.

5. What is your favorite type of music? Country Music.

6. What is one of your guilty pleasures? Do you really want to know? Once in a while, I like to eat a spoonful of vanilla icing. 

7. What type of books do you like to read? As a Kindergarten teacher, I only have time for children’s books. 

8. What are some of your hobbies? I like to play with website/blog design.

9. What is something you do to stay organized in terms of grading/lesson planning/copies for school/etc.? Everything goes into it’s own labeled binder. Copies for the week go in paper trays that are labeled Monday to Friday. 

10. What is your favorite snack? Yogurt.

11. What was your favorite vacation? As long as I’m with family, it doesn’t matter where we go. 

12. How did your husband propose? We went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. He took me out to the balcony which had a beautiful scenery and surprised me with there:)
If I tagged you, answer the following 6 questions plus any six from up above.
1. What grade to you teach?
2.What is the most number of students that you have had in your class?
3.Do you teach in flat, comfortable shoes?
4.What is your favorite color?
5.Do you have any pets?
6.What kind of movies do you like to watch?