2- Read Aloud: Read a book about the 100 days of school.
3- Shared reading and writing: I use a large writing tablet to write repetitive sentences. Each student finishes a sentence. For example; “I wish I had 100..” I write the student’s name at the end of each sentence. Then, we have fun reading it all together.
4- Reading Center: There are many emergent readers that you can use. You can find some on Mrs. Meacham’s website.
5- Writing Center: You can use one of my free printables. These include: * I can write 100 words * If I had $100, I would buy… * My 100 Book
6- Art Center: Students can make a self-portrait of how they will look at 100 years old.
7- Math Center: There are just too many activities to name, but you can use one of my printables. These include using the 100 chart to: * write to 100 by 1′ * write to 100 by 2’s * write to 100 by 5’s * write to 100 by 10’s. Also, draw 100 gumballs in the gumball machine. I also use a sentence strip where students practice counting to 100 by 10’s. I choose a shape from the dye-cut machine and make enough for the entire class. I give a sentence strip and 10 shapes to each student. They write the numbers by 10’s on the shapes and glue them to the sentence strip in correct sequence.
You can finish the day by releasing 100 balloons in the playground and going back inside to eat a cupcake. If you have enough time, the students can decorate their own. Just give everyone a cupcake on a plate, a bit of frosting, sprinkles and a craft stick. Students use the craft stick to put icing on the cupcake and top it off with sprinkes or an m&m.